
365 project: i'm doin' it.

Oops. It's been a little bit since my last post. I was doing good for a few days there though, huh?

You see, I promised to catch up on my 365 project pictures in my next post, and being a girl of my word, I felt like I couldn't post until I was actually ready to do so, so I kept putting it off. And I had pictures on my camera, pictures on my phone, pictures with an incorrect timestamp (I really should just set the time on my camera in order to help relieve some of my frazzled-ness), pictures that needed to be resized for web, levels adjusted, etc..., etc...

Now I'm all caught up, more or less (minus the few days I have not taken photos), with them at this point. However, being that we are already in mid-March, I realize that I can't very well post 70-or-something photos in one blog post. Can I?   Hmmmm.... No, I'd better not. hehe. So. Today, I will just start with a few of my favorites. By the way, if you are a facebook friend, I am putting all of my 365 photos in an album/s on facebook, too. Just so you know, they are there for your viewing pleasure. I have been pondering whether or not to post them at the 365project.org site, flickr, or somewhere but I think I am going to stick to randomly posting them here and on facebook. If I have the time, I might start an additional 365 blog. I know that would help me keep up with the journaling that goes along with them. Finding the time to catch up with the past three months though, is easier said than done. Or, I could make the time for it, like I do scrapbooking, and let everything else fall to the wayside. I'm bad like that.

For the record, I would like to say that I am a totally amateur photographer. I am not doing this project to prove my photography or photoshop skills, but I am doing it to have fun with my camera, photoshop, and most of all my family. This project has become a new way to document a year in my family's life. We will have an amazing visual journal covering an entire year, that every single one of us took some part in. My sons are really into it... "did you take your photo of the day yet, Mama?" , "hey, this can be your picture of the day!", "Mama... you forgot your camera!!!!" LOL

OK, enough rambling. Here are a few of my favorites so far:


That's all for now. Thanks for reading :)


CathyRose said...

Great photos, Jess! good for you for doing this. I always think this is good idea, but I just don't have enough interesting things to take photos of. Having a big active family, you probably have lots of photo ops. BTW, may I adopt Inky? Just send her UPS. She is adorable!

Anonymous said...

These are just wonderful,Jess!! I'm especially in love with that shot of the boots! And the moment captured in the birthday(?) shot is wonderful!